The most common work scheme which educators should follow in the practical application of the software package “Game House” is mentioned in the table below. It is rather recommendable than obligatory, because education depends wholly on the individual characteristics of the child, illness degree, previous experience with computers and also whether working in groups or individually. All these factors are important when considering the education and define including or excluding some of the programs in the scheme.
4 years old |
Until acquire the free movement of the mouse, but not more than 3 months |
Free movement with the mouse, pictures images recognizing |
Comparing an object and a shadow, developing the attention line in each aspect |
4 years old |
1. Until acquire the one click with a button 2. Until acquire the dragging with a button pressed, but not more than 6 months |
Possibility for doing a simple logical operation |
Developing an abstract logical thinking, analysis and synthesis |
4, 5 years |
1. Until acquire the one click with a button 2. Until acquire the dragging with a button pressed, but not more than 6 months |
Possibility for doing a simple logical operation |
Developing an abstract logical thinking, analysis and synthesis, development of the phonemic gnosis |
Over 5 years |
1. Until acquire the one click with a button 2. Until acquire the dragging with a button pressed, but not more than 6 months |
Possibility for doing a logical operation |
Developing an abstract logical thinking, analysis and synthesis, development of the phonemic gnosis, learning the graphic image of the word |
Over 6 years |
1. Until learning letters’ positions on the keyboard 2. Until remembering letters and their graphical appearance |
To find out and remember letters’ positions on the keyboard. To learn the graphical appearance of letters |
Developing abstract-logical thinking, analysis and synthesis, development of the phonemic gnosis, learning the graphic image of the word |
Missing Letters
Over 7 years |
1. Until learning letters’ positions on the keyboard 2. Until learning words spelling |
To find out and remember letters’ positions on the keyboard. To learn the graphical appearance of letters and words construction |
Developing abstract-logical thinking, analysis and synthesis, development of the phonemic gnosis, learning the graphic image of the word |
Over 7 years |
Until learning grammar constructing of sentence |
To construct grammar correct sentences |
Developing abstract-logical thinking, analysis and synthesis, development of the phonemic gnosis, learning grammar constructing of sentence |
Over 7 years |
Until learning grammar constructing of sentence |
To construct grammar correct sentences |
Developing abstract-logical thinking, analysis and synthesis, development of the phonemic gnosis, learning grammar constructing of sentence |
Over 6 years |
1. Until learning numbers’ positions on the keyboard 2. Until forming ability to count |
To learn number keys on the keyboard |
Developing abstract-logical thinking, quantities ideas and ideas of consecution and order |
Over 6 years |
1. Until learning numbers’ positions on the keyboard 2. Until forming ability to count and numbers arrange |
To learn number keys on the keyboard, making logical operation |
Developing abstract-logical thinking, quantities ideas and ideas of consecution and order, forming conceptions of bigger and smaller |
5, 6 years |
Until learning colors and their names |
To learn colors and its names. Practice free movement with the mouse and one click with a button. |
Developing abstract-logical thinking, forming conceptions of colors and accordance between colors and its names |
4, 5 years |
To learn instruments for painting and take on abilities to compose colors |
Skills to working with instruments, coloring models, composing colors |
Developing abstract-logical thinking, forming conceptions of colors, coloring models – choosing suitable colors and nuances, composing colors |
Computer education of children with cerebral palsy, with software package “Game house”, is combined with some games from software package "ToolKid". This package is designed for computer education in primary school. More often used games from this package are: "Karlson", "Cat", " Silhouette " (to practice free movement with the mouse), "Banica", "Sounds" (to acquire one click with a mouse button), " Christmas", "Spring" (to practice dragging with a pressed mouse button), "Eater" (to acquire working with navigations keys from the keyboard), "Frogs" (numbers order), "Conveyor", "Clouds", "Rebus" (working with letters keys from the keyboard, reading and writing), "Symmetry", "Paint", "Merlin" (painting, coloring, constructing objects).