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The cerebral palsy is a harm of the growing brain of a newly born child. It usually appears before, a little after or during the process of bearing. Separate brain areas are harmed to various extent - mostly movement and body pose coordination, fine motorics, speech, intellect, perception, emotions, which sometimes combine with epilepsy, blindness, deafness and other disabilities. However, there are two optimistic aspects for this child illness. First of all, on principle it is finished, stabilized and non-progressing harm. And second, the caused movement, speech, intellectual injures, loss of consciousness or other defects are not obligatory non-retractable for the harmed individuals. They are subject to vastly improvement and rectification, even sometimes to full compensation and recovery.

The question for defining the exact brain harm is very important, in order to understand the cerebral palsy matter. What differs it from the other forms of physical disabilities, e.g. poliomyelitis, is that the cerebral palsy physical ailment is due to brain harm, caused when the nerve system is quite vulnerable – before its functional integrity to be reached. Some neurological research reveal that brain injure, caused in this period, spreads faster and leads to greater behavior problems in comparison with a damage of a mature brain. Thus, except movement disabilities, individuals having cerebral palsy could also suffer from a wide range of intellectual defects – perceptional and learning – depending on the placement, seriousness and spreading of the neurological injure.

Though measurements for preventing this illness are constantly taken, there is no an universal way to differ the reasons, causing cerebral palsy from those, leading to any other brain harm, no matter if it is caused by mistakes in growing, injury or other illness. The main reason for this harm is the insufficient quantity of hydrogen, which goes to the embryo or the brain of the newly born child. This hydrogen poorness may be caused by the early separation of the placenta from the uterus wall, by an unsuitable position while bearing, which has lasted too long or too instant, or by problems with the umbilical cord. Nowadays, reasons like too early bearing, a virus illness of the mother in early pregnancy, viruses or bacteria attacking the central nerve system of the newly born child, or injuries of the head, caused as a result of an incident or child violence happen quite rarely.


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